Importance of Mock Tests in IIT JEE Preparation

Every year thousands of students appear for IIT JEE, but a major chunk of these are unable to get through. The most significant reason for this could be lack of concept knowledge, since most students don’t give it the highest priority and resolve to rote learning. The best way to strengthen your concept knowledge is to practice more. That being said, mock tests will act as your companion during this journey. Most top IIT coaching centers in India are big advocates when it comes to mock exams. They help you identify your strengths and weaknesses giving you a sneak peek into your level of preparation. In addition to that, act as a boon when you are enhancing your study routine by making it more dynamic. These days there are numerous resources to help you in improving your preparation for all kinds of entrance exams. Online mock tests are easily accessible regardless of your location and time, giving you freedom to choose from topic-specific questions or entire subject questi...